
Showing posts from January, 2020

Math Homework 01/31/2020

2nd, 4th & 5th hours - work on missing assignments.  No additional written work. 6th & 8th hours - A18 - Topic 8.3 page 334 # 12 - 34 evens

Language Arts - Friday, January 31

Today, students began pre-reading activities for the short story we will read next week. They also received a vocabulary packet that is due next Friday, February 7th. For homework, make sure you are caught up on any late/missing work! Also, Ghost chapter 4 is due on Monday for 4th, 6th, and 8th hours.

Math Homework 01/30/2020

2nd, 4th & 5th hours - Online Topic 1-3 Cumulative/Benchmark Assessment. 6th & 8th hours - A17 - Topic 8.2 page 327 # 12, 16 - 32 evens

Language Arts - Thursday, January 30th

Today, students reviewed the Triangle Fire quiz from yesterday and completed an activity on chronological order. Homework: Any missing work from this quarter 4th, 6th, 8th Hours: Ghost chapter 4 is due on Monday

Science: 01/29/2020

Today the morning classes tried to finish up the magnetic hands on lab, but we will continue to do so tomorrow.  Both classes began the Amplify Magnetic Simulations:  2.3, but we will also continue it tomorrow as well. I had an appointment this morning and left during 5th hour, so the afternoon classes worked on a graphing packet, due tomorrow, effort grade.

Math Homework 01/29/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - 16 - Common Assessment 2 Review #2 .  Common Assessment on Friday. 6th & 8th hours -  A16 - Topic 8.1 page 320 # 11, 16 - 25.

Language Arts - Wednesday, January 29th

Today, students completed a short quiz on the article we've been reading, "The Triangle Factory Fire." If students did not turn in their homework today, they need to finish it for tomorrow. That assignment can be found here 4th, 6th, and 8th Hours: The assignment in the packet for Ghost chapter 3 is due tomorrow.

Language Arts - Tuesday, January 28th

Today, students completed a timed reading in class. This is not homework, as students should have finished it and turned it in at the end of class. Tomorrow, students need to turn in their completed chart of questions about the "Triangle Factory Fire" informational articles. They received this assignment on Friday and have had class time to complete it.  "Triangle Factory Fire" Questions 4th, 6th, and 8th Hours - Ghost chapter 3 is due on Thursday

Math Homework 01/28/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - 15- Common Assessment 2 Review.   Common Assessment on Friday. 6th & 8th hours -  A15 - Common Assessment 3 Review.  

Social Studies 1/28/2020

Today we finished Chapter 12 Section 4: Ming Dynasty Notes in class. If this was not completed, it needs to be done as homework. Students can access the textbook via Canvas and I will post a link below to the text as well. If students do not have access to internet at home, they can check out a textbook after 8th hour and return it to me before AL. We will review for our Medieval China test tomorrow and students will receive a study guide tomorrow as well. Here is an empty notes template if for some reason the original given was lost-

Science: 01/27/2020

All classes continued with the Amplify Magnetic Unit content.  Morning classes used evidence to support a claim on their Chrome books, due during class, while the afternoon classes caught up by reviewing the unit mission. Homework: Some classes are still being called to grade their journals during midpoint of the unit. All classes but 8th have the annotated reading:   The Potential For Speed , due tomorrow.

Math Homework 01/27/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - 14 - Topic 5 Review .  Topic 5 test on Tuesday 6th & 8th hours -  Online Factor Review.  Topic 7 test on Tuesday

Social Studies 1/27

Today chapter 12 section 3 notes were checked, if this was not done for today- please get those finished tonight. We began chapter 12 section 4 notes over the Ming Dynasty today. We will finish those tomorrow in class.  We will have our Medieval China unit test on Thursday, 1/30. We will review in class on Wednesday. 

Math Homework 01/24/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - 13 - Topic 5 Review .  Topic 5 test on Tuesday 6th & 8th hours - A14 - Topic 7 Review # 2.  Topic 7 test on Tuesday

Science: 01/24/202

Today in  all classes students worked on the Amplify Magnetic Fields Unit. Currently students are working on chapter 1. 6th and 8th hours need to turn in their warm-up on Monday. All classes need to take science fair boards home on Monday or they will be recycled (they have been asked to take them home since Tuesday). Periodic and random journal checks will occur today and next week.

Math Homework 01/23/2020

2nd, 4th & 5th hours - #12 - Topic 5.7 Solving Multi-Step Inequalities.   Topic 5 test on Tuesday 6th & 8th hours - A13 - Factoring Review.   Test on Tuesday over Topic 7.

Math Homework 01/22/2020

2nd, 4th & 5th hours - Topic 5. Solve and Graph two-step inequalities.  Topic 5 test on Tuesday 6th & 8th hours - A11 - Factoring Pair of binomials-day 2. Factoring Quiz tomorrow.  Test on Tuesday over Topic 7.

Math Homework 01/21/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - ER - The Concert 6th & 8th hous - A10 - Topic 7.6 Factoring pair of binomials; a>1. Test on Tuesday Jan 28 - Topic 7 

Social Studies 1/21/2020

Students need to complete their Dynasty/Dynastic Cycle packet if they did not finish it in class today. We will start Chapter 12 Section 3 notes on Thursday. Tomorrow students will receive their Chromebooks during my class period. 

Math Homework 01/17/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hour - #10 - Review Inequalities 6th & 8th hours -  A9 - Factoring by Grouping WS

Math Homework 01/16/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - # 9 - Topic 5.5 pages 283-284 6th & 8th hours - A8 - Factoring Review

Math Homework 1/15/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - #8 - Topic 5.4 pages 277-278 6th & 8th hours - A7 - Topic 7.7 Factoring Special Cases

Math Homework 01/14/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - #7 - topic 5.3 pages 269-270 6th & 8th hours - A6 - Topic 7.5 day 2 Factoring

Math Homework 01/13/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - #6 - Topic 5.3 Solve Equations Using Distributive Property 6th & 8th hours - A5 - Topic 7.5 Factoring Pair of Binomials, a=1

Math Homework 01/10/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hours - # 5 - Topic 5.2 pages263-264 #6 - 16 8th hour - A5 - Topic 7.5 Factoring pair of binomials

Math Homework 01/09/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hour - #4 - Topic 5.2 Solve two-step Equations 6th & 8th hours -  A4 - Topic 7.4 Factor Polynomials page 285 # 20, 26-36, and 42

Math Homework 01/08/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hour - #3 - Topic 5.1 days 2 Writing two-step Equations 6th & 8th hours - A3 - Topic 7.2-7.3 Multiplying Polynomials

Math Homework 01/07/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hour - #2 - Topic 5.1 Write two-step Equations 6th & 8th hours - A2 - Topic 7.1 Add & Subtract Polynomials

Math Homework 01/06/2020

2nd, 4th, & 5th hour - # 1 - Review Translating and Solving one-step Equations 6th & 8th hours -  A1 - First Semester Review